"The House on Pine Terrace" is an intricate puzzle--a crime that leads
to a romance that triggers another crime that ends with a mystery, which
makes you question every event in the story.
"The Desert Here and the Desert Far Away" is a haunting exploration of
the wounds our warriors bear, not all of which are visible. For one
soldier back from Iraq, the war is far from over. When his old squadmate
comes to him for help, he sets off a chain of events that will lead him
to question everything he believes--and just how far he's willing to go.
"On the Run" is a classic adventure story. On an isolated trailhead in
the unforgiving mountains of New Hampshire, Gus Winter and the fugitive
holding him at gunpoint will grapple in a life-and-death struggle.
"Can You Help Me Out Here?" mixes humor with suspense and features
villains that make us smile even as they send chills down our spine.
The characters in "Crossed Double" might be made of questionable moral
fiber but they are not without their own code of honor, as a father
tries to explain to his wayward son.
"The Lamented" examines the toll greed can take on the human conscience,
even in characters who seem to lack one of their own. When their past
pays them a visit, some unsavory individuals discover how easily the
line between reality and imagination is blurred.