Knowledge in a Changing World", exemplifies CODATA's primary purpose of
collecting, from widely different fields, a wealth of information on
efficient exploitation of data for progress in science and technology
and making that information available to scientists and engineers. A
separate and complementary CODATA Reference Series will present
Directories of compiled and evaluated data and Glossaries of
data-related terms. The present book "Thermodynamic Modeling and
Materials Data Engineering" discusses thermodynamic, structural,
systemic and heuristic approaches to the modeling of complex materials
behavior in condensed phases, both fluids and solids, in order to
evaluate their potential applications. Itwas inspired by the Symposium
on "Materials and Structural Properties" held during the 14th
International CODATA Conference in Chambery, France. The quality of the
contributions to this Symposium motivated us to present" a coherent book
of interest to the field. Updated contributions inspired by Symposium
discussions and selections from other CODATA workshops concerning
material properties data and Computer Aided Design combine to highlight
the complexity of material data issues on experimental, theoretical and
simulation levels Articles were selected for their pertinence in three
areas. Complex data leading to interesting developments and tools such
as: - new developments in state equations and their applications, -
prediction and validation of physical and energy data by group
correlations for pure compounds, - modeling and prediction of mixture