The present monograph is devoted to nonlinear dynamics of thin plates
and shells with termosensitive excitation. Since the investigated
mathematical models are of di?erent sizes (two- and three-dimensional
di?erential equation) and di?erent types (di?erential equations of
hyperbolic and parabolic types with respect to spatial co- dinates),
there is no hope to solve them analytically. On the other hand, the
proposed mathematical models and the proposed methods of their solutions
allow to achieve more accurate approximation to the real processes
exhibited by dynamics of shell (plate) - type structures with
thermosensitive excitation. Furthermore, in this mo- graph an emphasis
is put into a rigorous mathematical treatment of the obtained
di?erential equations, since it helps e?ciently in further developing of
various su- able numerical algorithms to solve the stated problems. It
is well known that designing and constructing high technology
electronic - vices, industrial facilities, ?ying objects, embedded into
a temperature ?eld is of particular importance. Engineers working in
various industrial branches, and part- ularly in civil, electronic and
electrotechnic engineering are focused on a study of stress-strain
states of plates and shells with various (sometimes hybrid types) da-
ing along their contour, with both mechanical and temperature
excitations, with a simultaneous account of heat sources in?uence and
various temperature con- tions. Very often heat processes decide on
stability and durability of the mentioned objects. Since numerous
empirical measurement of heat processes are rather - pensive, therefore
the advanced precise and economical numerical approaches are highly