The book is targeted at engineers, university lecturers, postgraduates,
and final year undergraduate students involved in computational
modelling and experimental and theoretical analysis of the
high-temperature behavior of engineering structures. It will also be of
interest to researchers developing the thermal strength theory as a
branch of continuum mechanics.
Thermal integrity is a multidisciplinary field combining the expertise
of mechanical engineers, material scientists and applied mathematicians,
each approaching the problem from their specific viewpoint. This
monograph draws on the research of a broad scientific community
including the author's contribution.
The scope of thermal strength analysis was considerably extended thanks
to modern computers and the implementation of FEM codes. However, the
author believes that some material models adopted in the advanced
high-performance software, are not sufficiently justificated due to lack
of easy-to-follow books on the theoretical and experimental aspects of
thermal integrity.
The author endeavors to provide a thorough yet sufficiently simple
presentation of the underlying concepts, making the book compelling to a
wide audience.