Earlier efforts in the field of thermal analysis were concerned with the
demonstration of the applicability of techniques to a broad spectrum of
materials and to establish the relationship of such techniques with
other more accepted method. While such efforts will and should continue,
the Third International Conference was unique in that the first
standards were disclosed for differential thermal analysis. This was the
culmination of the international, cooperative effort of the ICTA's
Standardization Committee. The standards currently are available from
the United State's National Bureau of Standards. Thus, thermal analysis
can be considered to have attained its majority. Reali zation of full
maturity can be expected in the near future. Inclusion of plenary
lectures in these volumes represents a significant de parture from
previous Conferences. This change is the result of the ICTA's
recognition of its educational responsibilities. In the Foreword of the
Proceedings of the Second Inernational Conference, Professor L. Berg
expressed the hope that thermal methods of analysis would find wider
application in science and technology. The citation above, together with
the papers presented, indicate the fulfillment of this hope. Xerox
Corporation C.B. Murphy Rochester, N. Y., U.S.A. President, ICTA,
1968-1971 XIII PREFACE For the past two decades thermo analytical
methods have reached a stage of considerable importance, which is
particularly due to the developments in the area of instrumentation."