A new science emerges at the intersection of modern physics, computer s-
ence, andmaterialscience. Thestruggletofurtherminiaturizeisputtingna-
technology to the verge of creating single-electron and/or single-spin
devices that operate by moving a single electron (spin) and can serve as
transistors, memory cells, and for logic gates. These devices take
advantage of quantum physics that dominates nanometer size scales. The
devices that utilize met- based hybrid nanostructures may possess
signi?cant advantages over those exploiting purely semiconducting
materials. First, the chemistry of metals is typically simpler than that
of semiconductors. Second, the electric properties of metals are much
less sensitive to the structural defects and impurities than those of
semiconductors. Next, metallic devices allow better electric and th- mal
contacts. Another important plus point is that in metals the electron de
Broigle wavelength is smaller by many orders of magnitude as compared to
that in semiconductors. This makes metallic devices more promising with
respect to their size - down to the size of an atom. Further, high bulk
and interface thermal conductance in metallic devices are bene?cial for
the heat withdraw. And, last but by no means the least, the high
electron velocity in metals promises to accelerate enormously operation
rates with respect to those in semiconductor-based devices. The ?nal
note is that metals can - hibit strong ferromagnetism and/or