Models have become essential for dealing with the numerous aspects
involved in developing and maintaining complex IT systems. Models allow
capturing of the relevant aspects of a system from a given perspective,
and at a precise level of abstraction. In addition to models, the
transformations between them are other key elements in model-driven
engineering. Model transformations allow the de?nition and
implementation of the operations on models, and also provide
achainthatenablestheautomateddevelopmentofasystemfromitscorrespo- ing
models. Furthermore, model transformations may be realized using models,
and are, therefore, an integral part of any model-driven approach. There
are already several proposals for model transformation speci?cation,
implementation and execution, which are beginning to be used by modeling
practitioners. However, model transformations need specialized support
in s- eral aspects in order to realize their full potential. The problem
goes beyond having speci?c languages to represent model transformations;
we also need to understandtheirfoundations,
suchasthekeyconceptsandoperatorssupporting those languages, their
semantics, and their structuring mechanisms and pr- erties (e. g.,
modularity, composability and parametrization). In addition, model
transformations can be stored in repositories as reusable assets, where
they can be managed, discovered and reused. There is also a need to
chain and combine model transformations in order to produce new and more
powerful transfor- tions, and to be able to implement new operations on
models. Finally, model transformations need methodology support, i. e.,
they need to be integrated into software development methodologies
supported by appropriate tools and en- ronments. These issues and
concerns de?ne the focus of these proceedings.