Thisvolumecontainstheinvitedandregularpaperspresentedat TCS 2010, the
6thIFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science,
organised by IFIP Tech- cal Committee 1 (Foundations of Computer
Science) and IFIP WG 2.2 (Formal - scriptions of Programming Concepts)
in association with SIGACT and EATCS. TCS 2010 was part of the World
Computer Congress held in Brisbane, Australia, during September 20 23,
2010 ( ). TCS 2010 is composed of two main areas: (A) Algorithms,
Complexity and Models of Computation, and (B) Logic, Semantics,
Speci?cation and Veri?cation. The selection process led to the
acceptance of 23 papers out of 39 submissions,
Committee discussion was held electronically using Easychair. The
invited speakers at TCS 2010 are: Rob van Glabbeek (NICTA, Australia)
Bart Jacobs (Nijmegen, The Netherlands) Catuscia Palamidessi (INRIA and
LIX, Paris, France) Sabina Rossi (Venice, Italy) James Harland
(Australia) and Barry Jay (Australia) acted as TCS 2010 Chairs. We take
this occasion to thank the members of the Programme Committees and the
external reviewers for the professional and timely work; the conference
Chairs for their support; the invited speakers for their scholarly
contribution; and of course the authors for submitting their work to TCS