This book is a research mono graph reporting empirical results, but we
have tried to place the data in a very broad national perspective. Our
intent is a volume on mental health policy in the United States, most
notably our de facto policies, as indicated by empirical data. The book
gives a broad perspective of mental disorders and mental disorder
treatment in general hospitals in the United States. The audi- ence that
we ho pe to reach is those interested in mental health policy, planning,
and treatment alternatives. The issues raised in this book are germane
to anyone who is concerned with the problems that beset those see king
treatment for mental or substance abuse disorders. We address the
foUowing types of issues: (1) the history of health policy in the United
States; (2) the history of our mental health policy as a eomponent of
our health poliey; (3) the effeets of ehanges in payment policies; (4)
mental disorders among special populations (children, the elderly, the
disabled); (5) the cost of treatment; (6) changes in labeling of
diagnosis; (7) the effectiveness of treatment; and (8) evolving public
policy issues.