This volume of Advances in Anatomy, Embryology and Cell Biol- ogy is
based on material assembled by Dr. Jaap H.R. Schoen. Dr. Schoen was born
in Balikpapan, Indonesia, in 1930 and died in Corsica in 1981 during a
diving holiday. Dr. Schoen was a neu- rologist at the Diaconessen
Ziekenhuis in The Hague, The Neth- erlands, and combined his clinical
work with a partial tenureship as associated professor in the Department
of Neuroanatomy (now the Neuroregulation group) of the Leiden Medical
Faculty. For 20 years Dr. Schoen collected pathological specimens from
patients with brain disease and together with his technical assistant,
Mr. Stins, a large number of Haggqvist, Nauta, and Nissl or Kliiver
series were prepared. Little of the studied mate- rial has been
published. Articles appeared in several journals (Progress in Brain
Research, Psychiatria Neurologia, and Neuro- chirurgia), but since Dr.
Schoen also actively participated in the meetings of the Dutch
Anatomical Society, a series of short com- munications can be found in
the former Acta Morphologica Neer- lando-Scandinavica (now the European
Journal of Morphology). A list of Schoen's publications has been
appended to this preface. Numerous scientists have consulted Schoen's
material and, recently, Dr. Jan Voogd published a chapter on the human
cere- bellum in Paxinos' "The Human Nervous System" (1990) that is based
partially on Schoen's material. The Leiden neuroregulation group decided
to restore Schoen's material and to publish the manuscripts he left