The author of the bestselling The Art of Innovation reveals the
strategies IDEO, the world-famous design firm, uses to foster innovative
thinking throughout an organization and overcome the naysayers who
stifle creativity.
The role of the devil's advocate is nearly universal in business today.
It allows individuals to step outside themselves and raise questions and
concerns that effectively kill new projects and ideas, while claiming no
personal responsibility. Nothing is more potent in stifling innovation.
Over the years, IDEO has developed ten roles people can play in an
organization to foster innovation and new ideas while offering an
effective counter to naysayers. Among these approaches are the
A*nthropologist--*the person who goes into the field to see how
customers use and respond to products, to come up with new innovations;
the Cross-pollinator who mixes and matches ideas, people, and
technology to create new ideas that can drive growth; and the Hurdler,
who instantly looks for ways to overcome the limits and challenges to
any situation.
Filled with engaging stories of how Kraft, Procter and Gamble, Safeway
and the Mayo Clinic have incorporated IDEO's thinking to transform the
customer experience, The Ten Faces of Innovation is an extraordinary
guide to nurturing and sustaining a culture of continuous innovation and