This book offers insights into the relationship between nation-state and
education by problematizing and analyzing the assumed
straightforwardness of the role of education and schooling.
Placing the issue in very contemporary contested nation-state structures
like Scotland, Catalonia, Ukraine and Belgium. These conflict situations
and contested power relations are in a way some of Europe's internal
North-South struggles. In addition, the particular Nordic North-South
example of the Saami with their status as indigenous people recognized
in international law is viewed in terms of their educational struggle
for better consideration of their cultural features in Saami land
crossing the Nordic states. The book focuses on the Nordic countries,
often viewed as globally exemplary in their educational arrangements,
but casts deeper insight into Nordic education and points to problematic
schooling issues in Northern Europe. This volume presents somewhat
unexpected views on European educational arrangements with regard to the
European growing diversity.