This fantastic book contains a comprehensive and definitive treatise on
American antique furniture. Containing a wealth of information that
covers just about everything one might possibly want to know about the
subject coupled with a plethora of detailed illustrations, this text
will greatly appeal to those with an interest in antique furniture and
makes for a worthy addition to collections of such literature. The
chapters of this book include: 'Concerning This Book', 'Several
Preliminary Matters'; 'Styles of American Antique Furniture';
'Interesting Details'; 'Chairs'; 'Day-Beds, Settees, and Window Seats';
'Sofas'; 'Chests and Chests of Drawers'; 'Highboys'; 'Lowboys';
'Bureaus'; 'Desks, Secretaries, Secretary Bookcases, Bookcases, and
China Cabinets'; and much more. This text has been elected for modern
republication due to its immense educational value, and we are proud to
republish it here complete with a new introduction on the history of