What are the ten most common marketing mistakes? How do you avoid costly
mistakes when planning for a new business? What should be avoided when
planning a business web site? These are only a few of many important
questions answered in "The Small Business Planner", the most
comprehensive book available to assist new and established entrepreneurs
operate a successful enterprise. Written in understandable terms. "The
Small Business Planner" provides access to numerous free templates on
the companion web site including: Business and Marketing Plans in MS
Word; Profit & Loss projections, Cash Flow projections, Start-Up Cost
Analysis, and many more in MS Excel, all complete with formulas and
ready to use. The companion site also includes a forum for entrepreneurs
to post important questions regarding their business.
"The Small Business Planner" provides a detailed check list for new
entrepreneurs to ensure that important tasks and processes are not
overlooked. The Feasibility Analysis will let you know if your business
idea will be profitable and competitive. The 3 major business modules of
Marketing, Finance and Operations are covered in detail. More than half
of "The Small Business Planner" is dedicated to generating revenue.
Essential Marketing topics include: Planning and Research where the
author introduces his own easy to use model to create an effective
message, Advertising basics, Choosing the Right Media, Databases,
Selling Skills, along with Customer Service. Finance covers: Bookkeeping
Basics, Financial Statements, Setting Goals and Measuring Results, and
Receivables Management. Operations topics include: Creating Effective
Web Sites, Employee Relations and Contingency Planning.
Entrepreneurship can be very rewarding if the functions in all three
business modules are executed properly. Now the small business owner can
wear all hats effectively and avoid making costly mistakes by using "The
Small Business Planner".