The importance of justice cannot be overstated. As one author has put
it, "A better understanding of how justice concerns develop and function
in people's lives should enable us to plan more effectively for
institutional and other social change to deal with the problems that
confront humankind" (S. C. Lerner, 1981, p. 466). The volume in which
that statement appeared-an earlier one in this same series-was devoted
to exploring the impact that dwindling resources and an increasing rate
of change have had upon people's concern for justice. In contrast, the
present volume places greater emphasis on the word under- standing, as
it was used in the context of the preceding quotation, than upon
effective planning, social change, and ways of dealing with human
problems. Nothing in that statement of purpose is meant to belittle the
urgency of translat- ing understanding into action, because the social
significance of justice concerns is a major factor that has prompted the
authors of the chapters in this book to do research in the area. Rather,
this volume receives its emphasis from Kurt Lewin's famous dictum there
is nothing so practical as a good theory. The need for good theory is
ongoing, and these pages are dedicated to a search for new pathways
toward better theory.