In England & Wales, every criminal case starts in a magistrates'
court, and most end there. Last year, the 14,000 magistrates dealt
with almost 1.4 million cases.
But, what exactly does a magistrate do, who are they, and how are they
recruited and trained? Are they out-of-touch and unrepresentative, or
still fit for purpose with a role to play in today's increasingly
sophisticated and complex judicial system?
The Secret Magistrate takes the reader on an eye-opening,
behind-the-scenes tour of a year in the life of an inner-city
magistrate. Chapters cover a variety of cases including the disqualified
driver who drove away from court, the Sunbed Pervert, and Fifi the
Attack Chihuahua.
The Secret Magistrate is an inner-city magistrate who has sat on the
bench for several years, and who has strong views on the role of
magistrates within the Criminal Justice System. All names have been
changed to protect both the innocent and the guilty.
Foreword by Malcolm Richardson OBE [Chair, Magistrates Association,