A powerful new race of genetically altered humans emerges...and now the
war begins. Boasting a weaponized virus that endows its victims with
supernatural powers, a secret organization known as "the Covenant"
prepares to launch its attack on humanity. All that's standing in its
way? Ethan Kaiser, a jaded rich kid hell-bent on revenge, and Grace
Song, an unlucky outcast whose closest friend just so happens to be a
cat. As the unlikely pair descend into the Covenant's brutal underworld,
they are confronted with a secret network filled with horrific
experiments, ancient sanctuaries, and fanatical followers who will stop
at nothing to wipe out every last trace of the "old" humanity. Against
an enemy with limitless resources, Ethan and Grace will be forced to
uncover their own untapped power if they are to survive. The only
question is, will it be too late?