In an era of communicative abundance, consumers can access content
anytime, anywhere and on any digital device. Safeguarding media
pluralism has never before been as essential to our democracies as it is
today. What role, if any, should EU competition law then play in
protecting it? In delving into this question, Konstantina Bania conducts
an in-depth analysis of the economics of the sector as well as the
Commission's decision-making practice regarding mergers, abuses of
dominance as well as anti-competitive agreements. Combining unique
theoretical and practical insights, this book showcases novel tools for
competition law enforcement to protect quality dimensions of competition
and consumer welfare in media markets where consumers increasingly pay
with their attention or data rather than money. This book is a must-read
study for all scholars, competition authorities and policymakers
interested in the question of how competition law can apply in such a
manner that antitrust and merger assessments do not disregard non-price
concerns such as privacy or diversity.