In this third and final installment of the School Ship Tobermory
adventure series, the same loveable cast and crew are back, sailing to
new locales in Australia with adventures that don't disappoint.
Ben and Fee MacTavish and the rest of the school ship Tobermory crew
head to Australia to take part in a tall ships race. But after a good
start, the Tobermory unexpectedly changes course to rescue a local
boy, Will, who is stranded on the rocks. When the ship's dog, Henry,
disappears, Will helps Ben, Fee, and their friends find him, but as the
trail leads them deeper into the Outback, they begin to realize that a
missing dog is the least of their problems. Join the crew aboard the
Tobermory as they set sail from their home base in Mull to the
Southern Hemisphere on an adventure they won't soon forget.