This is Robert Fried's third book on the crucial role of breathing and
hyperventilation in our emotional and physical health. The first, The
Hyperventilation Syndrome (1987), was a scholarly monograph, and the
second, The Breath Connection (1990a), was a popular version for the lay
reader. This book combines the best features of both and extends Dr.
Fried's seminal work to protocols for clinical psychophysiology and psy-
chiatry. Hoping to avoid misunderstanding, he has taken systematic care
to introduce relevant electrical, physiological, and psychological
concepts in operational language for the widest possible professional
audience. Any clinician not thoroughly experienced in respiratory
psycho- physiology and biofeedback will leave these pages with profound
new insight and direction into an aspect of our liveswhich we innocently
take for granted as "common sense"-the role of breathing in health and
illness. Einstein viewed such common sense as "that set of prejudices we
acquired prior to the age of eighteen." I am impressed that Dr. Fried
mirrors Einstein's uncanny genius in not accepting the obvious-
breathing is not "common sense" but, rather, is a pivotal psycho-
physiological mechanism underlying all aspects of life.