I knew something had changed the moment they came in the door. Mum and
Dad were back from a weekend away. As I came down the stairs to greet
them, they looked different. They were smiling - almost laughing as they
greeted me. It was as if there was a light around them. As a nine year
old boy, I could feel a strong presence there in that hallway. Even
then, although I wasn't sure what it was they had, I wanted it too...'
As a young boy, Jonathan Conrathe became profoundly aware of the
presence and power of the Holy Spirit. After receiving the Holy Spirit
it changed his life. From that point on, he knew such an anointing, such
a power. This outpouring of God's Spirit drew Jonathan into the Word of
God, hungry to learn more of this baptism in the Holy Spirit, hungry to
learn more of what the Christian life should be. The Power Partnership
will help you discover the ways of the Holy Spirit - a life of miracles
for every believer. Find out how you can use the gifts of the Spirit
that God gives us. Learn how we can experience the love of the Father,
the power of the cross, and the anointing of the Spirit every day of our