An understanding of International Relations exclusively as a sphere
plagued by countless known and unknown risks, looming disasters and
imminent threats leaves an important aspect of the study of politics
unengaged - that of the human herself. The Politics of Bodies at Risk
re-engages and re-conceptualizes politics from the point of view of the
everyday experiences of human materiality living with risk across
geopolitical worlds and state borders. Re-imagining human bodies as
productive, singular and embodied materiality removes them from an
understanding of "life" in an age of terror as pejorative, dispensable,
and burdensome, enabling a novel understanding of politics as an
embodiment of human bodies with risk, and not as a sphere of activity
aimed primarily at managing, silencing, and normalizing the risky other.
Drawing on case studies from several countries and across several
disciplines, The Politics of Bodies at Risk investigates the possibility
of developing an understanding of the productive possibilities contained
in engaging with the human body as a site of a radical
interconnectedness between politics, singularity, risk, and security.