The ideas of probability are all around us. Lotteries, casino gambling,
the al- most non-stop polling which seems to mold public policy more and
more- these are a few of the areas where principles of probability
impinge in a direct way on the lives and fortunes of the general public.
At a more re- moved level there is modern science which uses probability
and its offshoots like statistics and the theory of random processes to
build mathematical descriptions of the real world. In fact,
twentieth-century physics, in embrac- ing quantum mechanics, has a world
view that is at its core probabilistic in nature, contrary to the
deterministic one of classical physics. In addition to all this muscular
evidence of the importance of probability ideas it should also be said
that probability can be lots of fun. It is a subject where you can start
thinking about amusing, interesting, and often difficult problems with
very little mathematical background. In this book, I wanted to introduce
a reader with at least a fairly decent mathematical background in
elementary algebra to this world of probabil- ity, to the way of
thinking typical of probability, and the kinds of problems to which
probability can be applied. I have used examples from a wide variety of
fields to motivate the discussion of concepts.