'The Playbook of Persuasive Reasoning: Everyday Empowerment and
Likeability' provides an easy, practical guide to the strategies of
persuasive reasoning, which Gavin Hurley argues is crucial to all
effective communication.
Helping professionals and students to become better and more likeable
communicators, this fundamental "playbook" outlines numerous eye-opening
communicative maneuvers for readers of all levels and backgrounds. It
offers a unique approach to argumentation and persuasion and moves away
from the more conventional methods which are often overtechnical,
unnecessarily complex or too science oriented. Hurley demonstrates how
to successfully apply these strategies of cooperative argumentation to
your life in order to succeed professionally, socially and cerebrally.
This he argues, will allow you to empower your messaging and increase
your social magnetism. 'The Playbook of Persuasive Reasoning' is a
down-to-earth guide on effective rhetorical strategizing. It is written
for everyday application, based on everyday examples, and embedded in
everyday language.
Today, successful communication is a highly sought-after trait by
international employers, clients, and customers alike. Gavin Hurley
shows how a wide range of people can benefit from learning how to
deliver more abstract material in an effective manner: both verbally and
written. This guide is particularly appealing for professionals,
including business managers, as well as academics and students,
including public intellectuals. 'The Playbook of Persuasive Reasoning'
is a useful book for anyone wanting to enrich their skills and
strengthen their powers of communication in order to have a social and
professional advantage.