This rare text comprises a wonderful tale written by great story-teller
Albert Payson Terhune, an accomplished author most remembered for his
heart-warming stories detailing the adventures and misadventures of
dogs. An endearing narrative wonderfully written with the passion and
eloquence readers of Terhune will be familiar with, this book will
appeal to collectors of his work and constitutes a must-read for those
who have never read Terhune's stories before. Albert Payson Terhune was
an American author, journalist, and avid dog breeder. The first of his
dog-based novels was Lad: A Dog (1919), a book so popular that it was
reprinted over 80 times and provided the basis for a film in 1962. This
scarce text has been chosen for republication in the hopes that it will
continue to be enjoyed by modern readers as it has been in the past. We
are proud to republish this delightful book with a new introductory
biography of the author.