The Pauline Circle Paul, writes F.F. Bruce, attracted friends around him
as a magnet attracts iron filings. The New Testament evidence for Paul's
wide circle of friends is plentiful, both in Paul's own writings and in
the Book of Acts. In this book, Bruce, who is widely known as one of
today's foremost Pauline scholars, looks at several of Paul's closest
friends and associates as well as several of the countless co-workers,
hosts, and hostesses he encountered in his life and ministry. Barnabas,
Silas, Timothy, Luke, Priscilla and Aquila, Onesimus, and Mark are among
those discussed in terms of both their relationship to Paul and their
relationship to the early church. Bruce surveys the biblical evidence
for the stories of these people, placing it against its first-century
background, and examining the relationships that underlie the New
Testament references. The result, written in Bruce's usual engaging and
accessible style, is a fascinating look at the men and women who
surrounded Paul and influenced the New Testament church. F.F. Bruce
(1910-1990) was Rylands Professor of Biblical Criticism and Exegesis at
the University of Manchester in England. During his distinguished career
he wrote many bestselling commentaries and books including 'Paul:
Apostle of the Heart Set Free' and 'A Mind for What Matters.' He also
served as general editor of The New International Commentary on the New