Gathering the stories of people whose lives have adapted to the unique
features of the North Atlantic coast, the book moves from Wampanoag
Indians to eighteenth-century seafarers to contemporary teens.
Readers are invited to feel the throb and pulse of the surf as Helen
Keller felt it, track an otter through a southern New Hampshire winter,
harvest blueberries as the Micmac Indians once did, and join a young boy
as he tries to save a lobster from the cooking pot. The lives of
fishermen and women, of sailors lost in the fog, of a whale trapped in a
pond in Newfoundland--all become richer and more memorable when woven
into the fabric of literature.
The book is divided, as are all books in the series, into four sections:
Adventures, Great Places, Reapers and Sowers, and Wild Lives. The
treasure trove of stories, poems, journal entries, and essays about the
region is followed by a brief natural history, including a list of areas
to visit to experience the wilder side of the North Atlantic Coast