Anyone can run a marathon. Dawn Dais makes it a little more bearable
-- and a lot more fun
Dawn Dais hated running. And it didn't like her much, either. Her
fitness routine consisted of avoiding the stairs in her own house,
because who really has the energy to climb stairs? It was with this
exercise philosophy firmly in place that she set off to complete a
The Nonrunner's Marathon Guide for Women is the ideal training manual
for women who don't believe that running is their biological destiny but
who dream of crossing the finish line nonetheless. Nonrunners offers a
realistic training schedule and is chock-full of how-to's and funny
observations, which she felt were lacking in the guides she had
consulted. She also integrates entries from her journal, sharing
everything would-be marathoners need to know about the gear, the
blisters, the early morning workouts, the late-night carb binges, and
most important of all, the amazing rewards.
Running may not seem like a friendly endeavor, but with Dawn Dais, you
can tame the beast and hit the marathon trail.