"The New Mother" is an 1882 short story by Lucy Clifford. The story
centres around two young girls who live with their mother and baby
sibling in the woods. One day they happen across strange girl who
promises to show them a tiny man and woman who live in her guitar if
they are naughty enough. Excited by this offer, they return home and try
to be as badly behaved as possible, to which their mother responds with
threats of leaving and the arrival of a new mother with "glass eyes and
a wooden tail" . Three times the strange girl tells them they haven't
been naughty enough, and three times they return home to behave more
badly than the day before. Finally, the girl tells them that they shall
never be naughty enough to see the miniature couple and they return home
to find that their mother really has gone. When the new mother arrives,
they run away into the woods to live on berries. Lucy Clifford
(1846-1929) Clifford, also known as Mrs. W. K. Clifford, was an English
journalist, novelist, and wife of notable philosopher and mathematician
William Kingdon Clifford. Other works by this author include: "Mrs.
Keith's Crime" (1885), "The Anyhow Stories, Moral and Otherwise" (1882),
and "Aunt Anne" (1892). Read & Co. Classics is proudly republishing this
classic collection of children's short stories now complete with an
introductory poem by Lola Ridge.