The New England coast is penetrated by many charming bays whose shores
are lined with popular resorts for the delectation and refreshment of
summer sojourners. The chief of all, and the most attractive, is our own
Narragansett Bay. It is favored with a great variety of scenery. On its
headwaters and tributaries are three of the brightest cities in New
England; at the end of its largest island is located Newport, the most
noted of America's watering places, and with Narragansett Pier on the
main, Block Island thirty miles out to sea, and the numerous smaller but
famous outing-spots in and about its shores a day's excursion or a
summer's rest may be enjoyed with delight by rich or poor. The
facilities for transportation by boat, rail or electrics are adequate.
For the river excursionist and for those taking their breath of fresh
air by means of the electrics The Blue Book will point out the most
pleasing trips, the cost will be counted, and the numerous features for
the eye to feast upon will be pictured in its pages.