Though more than 300 years have elapsed since the first description of
the peculiar course of the spinal accessory (XI) nerve by Willis (1664),
the crucial problems concerning what is known as accessory field of
musculature and its innervation are still unsolved and a matter of
controversy. Like the bulbar XI, the spinal XI nerve is commonly
regarded as originally a branch of the vagus and, therefore, as a
cranial nerve (Fiirbringer 1897; Gegenbaur 1898; Lubosch 1899). However,
whether this nerve is of special visceral or somatic derivation is still
debated. The conventional distinction between these function- ally
separate categories of cranial nerves is based largely on two criteria,
namely, the position of the cranial nerve nucleus and the embryological
derivation of the muscles innervated by this nerve. Unfortunately,
little is known about the development of this accessory field of
musculature, and the evidence concern- ing the position of the spinal XI
nucleus is contradictory. In fact, although the spinal XI nerve is
usually regarded as a purely efferent nerve belong- ing to the special
visceral efferent group of cranial nerves and innervating muscles
derived from the branchial mesoderm, each of these properties has been
questioned. Consequently, the classification of the nerve is still
unset- tled. Evidence in support of a special visceral origin of the
spinal XI nerve is found in the phylogenetic history of the spinal XI