Help toddlers learn and develop with the Montessori method
Some of children's most important social and emotional developments
happen during their toddler years. Encourage learning and inspire
discovery at home with this toddler activity book based on the
Montessori method, a child-centered and scientifically based approach to
engaging kids in their own development. From moving to music to creating
a suncatcher and playing card games, this wide range of fun activities
for toddlers will foster independence and build confidence.
Discover a toddler activity book that includes:
- Purposeful exercises--Each activity focuses on a specific
developmental skill and provides clear instructions on how to carry
out the activities in the Montessori way.
- Key learning areas--Exercises are organized into five learning
areas based on Montessori principles: motor skills, art, daily or
practical life, sensory stimulation, and language.
- Tips and modifications--Find pointers for using everyday household
items to prepare the exercises in this toddler activity book, and
learn how to increase or decrease an activity's level of difficulty.
Support and encourage children's natural development with The
Montessori Toddler Activity Book.