The osteoclasts in Paget's disease are abnormal both in num- ber and
size and show nuclear inclusions as well as cytoplasmic inclusions that
suggest a viral etiology for Paget's disease. Use of in vitro model
systems for examining osteoclast physiology in Paget's disease has shown
that these cells have an increased rate of formation, express high
levels of IL-6, IL-6 receptor, and NF-IL-6, as well as most recently,
the c-FOS protooncogene. 31 The precur- sors for these pagetic
osteoclasts have several abnormalities includ- ing hyperresponsivity to
1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, presence of 3 measles virus nucleocapsid
transcripts, and hyperresponsivity to the marrow microenvironment. In
addition, the marrow microenviron- ment is also abnormal in Paget's
disease. These data suggest that the initial pathologic event that
occurs in Paget's disease affects the osteoclast precursor, as well as
the mature osteoclast. The per- sistence of Paget's disease as a highly
localized lesion(s) in patients following diagnosis may be due to the
abnormalities in the mar- row microenvironment that induce abnormal
circulating osteoclast precursors to "home" to the sites of previous
disease and induce increased osteoclast formation in these areas. In
areas of normal bone, the normal marrow microenvironment does not induce
en- hanced osteoclast formation, but allows these cells to differentiate
toward the monocyte macrophage lineage in the form of mature monocytes.