Could it be... the ape-man?... The pithecanthrope, the missing rung in
the ecological ladder between the gorilla and man! There are claims it
is not extinct. Travelers have met it in certain old-growth forests...
Hemo, Gulluliou, and Jocko wear clothes, are modest, even cultivated,
but will they make it in human so-called civilization? Count Ladislas
Wolsky may be a master swordsman, but such a secret as his, the sword
cannot protect for long... Brother Levrai questions the concept of
truth, not to mention religious and secular theories of evolution after
what he witnesses in the jungle. What would happen if European, African
and Ape-Man met, face-to-face... Six classic tales of ape-men from a
bygone era, including C.M. de Pougens' Jocko (1824), Emile Dodillon's
Hemo (1886), Marcel Roland Almost A Man (1905) and The Missing Link