My introduction to androgens was neither auspicious nor impressive. I
was sitting my viva voce examination for a degree in physiology and had
haltingly intimated to my examiner (name decorously withheld) that I
intended to pursue a career in re- search. "On what topic?" was the
reply. I had been deeply impressed by the work of C. Huggins and C. V.
Hodges (Cancer Res. 1, 293, 1941) on the dramatic arrest of canine
prostatic hyperplasia by the administration of stilboestrol. With some
en- thusiasm, I responded, "On steroid hormones, because I am struck by
the profound effects that may be achieved by relatively small numbers of
molecules. " The examiner sank into deep contemplation before replying,
"Young man, have you considered go- ing into teaching?" Suitably
chastened, I finally began my research career investigating the effects
of steroids on the nucleic acid metabolism of experimental tumours and
on the process cells. Reaching an impasse in this work, I mentioned one
of senescence in animal day to Dr. G. F. Marrian that, somewhat
surprisingly, we had no understanding of the fundamental mechanism of
action of steroid hormones, especially the androgens. me to tackle this
problem, particularly since exciting new insights He encouraged were
then being made into the interaction of radioactively labelled
oestradiol-l?,8 with such tissues as rat uterus.