Donald Winnicott (1896-1971) was trained in paediatrics, a profession
that he practised to the end of his life, in particular at the
Paddington Green Children's Hospital. He began analysis with James
Strachey in 1923, became a member of the British Psychoanalytical
Society in 1935, and twice served as its President. He was also a fellow
of the Royal College of Physicians and of the British Psychological
Society. The collection of papers that forms The Maturational Processes
and the Facilitating Environment brings together Dr Winnicott's
published and unpublished papers on psychoanalysis and child development
during the period 1957-1963. It has, as its main theme, the carrying
back of the application of Freud's theories to infancy. Freud showed
that psycho-neurosis has its point of origin in the interpersonal
relationships of the first maturity, belonging to the toddler age. Dr
Winnicott explores the idea that mental hospital disorders relate to
failures of development in infancy. Without denying the importance of
inheritance, he has developed the theory that schizophrenic illness
shows up as the negative of processes that can be traced in detail as
the positive processes of maturation in infancy and early childhood.