Newton's mathematical researches during the last five years of his stay
in Cambridge before leaving in April 1696 to take up his duties at the
Mint in London have three main centres of interest: methods of fluxions
and series, classical pure geometry, and Cartesian analytical geometry.
Part 1 reproduces Newton's advances at this time in further extending
the techniques of his combined calculus of fluxions and fluent, and of
expansion into infinite series. Part 2 gives publication of Newton's
lengthy excursions in the early 1690s into the modes of geometrical
analysis used by the 'ancient' geometers, based - by way of Commandino's
Latin translation - on the account of this little understood field of
the Greek 'topos analuomenos' which was given by Pappus in the
prolegomenon to the seventh book of his Mathematical Collection. Part 3
gives prominence to the final text of the Enumeratio Linearum Tertii
Ordinis which Newton put together in June 1695.