A definitive guide to the sacred place trees hold for cultures around
the world, exploring the natural history, folklore and symbolism that
give each genus of tree its unique character and fascination
Throughout time, trees have stood as sentinels, wise yet silent,
patiently accumulating their rings while the storms of history have
raged around them. Trees and humankind have always had a symbiotic
relationship. Throughout the centuries trees have offered us shelter
from the cold and the heat. They have provides us with a multitude of
nutritious fruits, leaves, flowers and roots for food and medicine. They
have given us wood with which to make our tools, weapons and toys, not
to mention timber for houses, fences, boats and bridges. But perhaps
most significant of all, trees have provided us with fuel for fire,
which, once it was tamed hundreds of thousands of years ago became the
engine of civilization. Trees are our strongest allies.
The Living Wisdom of Trees is a richly illustrated guide to the human
significance of 55 trees, from alder (Alnus) to oak (Quercus), looking
in particular at their botanical characteristics; their place in world
myth, magic and folklore; their healing properties; and their practical
contribution to society. Featuring beautiful hand drawn evocative
illustrations, The Living Widsom of Treesis for all who seek
acquaintance with the fascinating lore and the profound spiritual wisdom
of trees.