EVELYN UNDERHILL (1875 -1941), English poet, novelist, and writer on
mysticism, was born in England and educated at King's College for Women,
London. In 1921 Miss Underhill was Upton Lecturer on the Philosophy of
Religion at Manchester College, Oxford. Between 1900 and 1920 she wrote
novels and light verse, but her lasting fame rests on the many books she
produced on various aspects of mysticism. The most famous of these is
Mysticism, which was first published in 1911. Among her other fine works
are: The Mystic Way (1913), Practical Mysticism (1915), The Essentials
of Mysticism (1920), The Life of the Spirit and the Life of Today
(1922), Concerning the Inner Life (1926), Man and the Supernatural
(1927), and The House of the Soul (1929).