Late in life, Meng Chiao (a.d. 751-814) developed an experimental poetry
of virtuosic beauty, a poetry that anticipated landmark developments in
the modern Western tradition by a millennium. With the T'ang Dynasty
crumbling, Meng's later work employed surrealist and symbolist
techniques as it turned to a deep introspection. This is truly major
work, work that may be the most radical in the Chinese tradition. And
though written more than a thousand years ago, it is remarkably fresh
and contemporary. But, in spite of Meng's significance, this is the
first volume of his poetry to appear in English. After his retirement,
Meng developed the innovative poetry translated in this book. His late
work is singular not only for its bleak introspection and "avant-garde"
methods, but also for its dimensions: in a tradition typified by the
short lyric poem, this work is made up entirely of large poetic