From its founding in 1927 until its dissolution in 1945, the Kaiser
Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Genetics, and Eugenics (KWI-A)
in Berlin-Dahlem transgressed many a boundary; indeed, the transgression
of boundaries was in a sense its raison d'être from the outset.
Initially this applied to the boundaries within the disciplinary canon
of the human sciences. Even from its basic conception, the institute,
centered around the person of its founding director Eugen Fischer (1874-
1967), was to unify anthropology, genetics, and eugenics under one roof.
In ke- ing with the understanding predominant in Germany between the
wars, anthropology went beyond the scope of the framework of the
ascendant "race theory" to cover not only physical anthropology,
including paleoanthropology, but also elements of what we today would
call cultural and social anthropology. Thus, this anthropology extended
far into the fields of archeology, paleontology, prehistory and early h-
tory, history and sociology, and especially into ethnology and folklore.
Human genetics, in turn, was more than the attempt to apply to humans
the genetics dev- oped by Thomas Hunt Morgan (1866-1945) and his school
in the USA on the model of drosophila. In Germany, Morgan's genetics,
which concentrated on investigating the dissemination of genetic traits
on the chromosomes and their morphological structure, was received with
skepticism for two reasons.