Antibodies are crucial to the fine specificity of the immune system. An
effective functioning of these molecules requires interaction with
immune cells. Receptors for antibodies, Fc receptors, provide this
critical link between the humoral and cellular branches of the immune
system. This book presents a comprehensive overview of the different Fc
receptors currently recognized. The first part of the book contains
state-of-the-art overviews on the biological role of FcR. The latest
information on FcR heterogeneity, FcR physiology, FcR-ligand
recognition, their crucial coordinating role in immunity, interactions
with other immunoreceptors, and the role of FcR in immunoglobulin
transport and catabolism are discussed. The clinical importance of FcR
is developed in the second part of the book. The well-recognized roles
of FcR in allergy, inflammation, infectious diseases, autoimmune
disorders, and immunotherapeutic importance are reviewed. The
information in this book is easily accessible and should be helpful for
researchers and clinical specialists as a convenient overview of the
field, as well as a comprehensive introduction for students starting in
this area of research.