This translation is concluded in our Readings in Twentieth- Century
Philosophy, (N. Y., The Free Press of Glencoe, Inc., 1963). We owe
thanks to Professors W. D. Falk and William Hughes for helping us with
the translation. We also owe thanks to Professor Herbert Spiegelberg,
Dr. Walter Biemel and the Husser! Archives at Louvain for checking it
and we are especially indebted to Professor Dorion Cairns, many of whose
suggestions we incorporated in the final draft. WILLIAM P. ALSTON GEORGE
NAKHNIKIAN January 1964 CONTENTS V Preface Introduction IX The train of
thoughts in the lectures I Lecture I 13 Lecture II 22 Lecture III 33
Lecture IV 43 Lecture V 52 INTRODUCTION From April 26 to May 2, 1907,
Husserl delivered five lectures in Gottingen. They introduce the main
ideas of his later pheno- menology, the one that goes beyond the
phenomenology of the Logische Untersuchungen. These lectures and
Husserl's summary of them entitled "The Train of Thoughts in the
Lectures" were edited by Dr. Walter Biemel and first published in 1950
under the 1 title Die Idee der Phiinomenologie. Husserl wrote the
summary on the night of the last lecture, not for formal delivery but
for his own use. This accounts for the fact that the summary contains
incomplete sentences. There are some discrepancies between Lecture V and
the corresponding passages in the summary. We may suppose that the
passages in the summary are a closer approximation to what Husserl
wanted to say.