The Hill-Brown theory of the Moon's motion was constructed in the years
from 1877 to 1908, and adopted as the basis for the lunar ephemerides in
the nautical almanacs of the US, UK, Germany, France, and Spain
beginning in 1923. At that time and for some decades afterward, it was
the most accurate lunar theory ever constructed. Its accuracy was due,
rst, to a novel choice of "intermediary orbit" or rst approxi- tion,
more nearly closing in on the Moon's actual motion than any elliptical
orbit ever could, and secondly to the care and discernment and
stick-to-it-ive-ness with which the further approximations
("perturbations" to this initial orbit) had been computed and assembled
so as yield a nal theory approximating the Moon's path in real space
with an accuracy of a hundredth of an arc-second or better. The method
by which the Hill-Brown lunar theory was developed held the potentiality
for still greater accuracy. The intermediary orbit of the Hill-Brown
theory may be described as a periodic solution of a simpli ed three-body
problem, with numerical parameters carried to 15 decimal places. George
William Hill, a young American mathematician working for the U. S.
Nautical Almanac Of ce, had proposed it, and computed the numerical
parameters to their 15 places. A self-effacing loner, he had in his
privately pursued studies come to see that the contemporary attempts at
predicting the Moon's motion were guaranteed to fail in achieving a
lunar ephemeris of the accuracy desired.