Test your knowledge of Disney's little-known facts and history!
You've been to Disney World hundreds of times and can rattle off the
entire spiel for the Jungle Cruise from memory, but how much do you
really know about these imaginative theme parks and their attractions?
From the fastest rides and the tallest sculptures to the parks'
enchanting history and hidden gems, this trivia challenge doesn't miss a
single detail - no matter how small. Full of Disney's best-kept secrets
and facts, you will spend hours racking your brain trying to figure out
answers to questions such as, "What is the name of the award Walt Disney
created for special Cast Members?" and "What is so special about the
dentures Dr. Winch is promoting at Country Bear Jamboree?"
A treasure trove of challenging Disney World trivia, this book is
guaranteed to stump even the biggest Mickey Mouse fan!