In two previous books, Neil Douglas-Klotz pioneered a radical new way of
translating the words of Jesus---filtering them through the imagistic
worldview of the Aramaic language which Jesus himself spoke. Seen
through this lens, familiar sayings such as Blessed are the meek come
into vibrant contemporary focus as Healthy are those who have softened
what is rigid within.
In The Hidden Gospel, Douglas-Klotz employs this approach to decode
the spiritual and prophetic messages hidden within key words and
concepts in the sayings and stories of Jesus. We learn to our delight,
for instance, that when Jesus spoke of goodness he used a word which in
Aramaic means ripe and refers to actions which are in time and tune with
the Sacred Unity of all life.
The Hidden Gospel aims to bridge the gap between the historical Jesus
of the scholar and the Jesus of faith of Christian believers. It will
appeal to everyone looking for an alternative spiritual vision of Jesus
and his message.