This sequel to the bestselling Princesses, Dragons and Helicopter
Stories reveals the positive impact the storytelling and story acting
curriculum of Vivian Gussin Paley has on young children's literacy,
communication and confidence. Telling the story of three years of
classroom-based research with children aged two to seven, it shows the
Helicopter Stories approach in action, capturing the children's
development as storytellers and their delight at having their stories
listened to, scribed and acted out.
In each chapter Trisha Lee's passion for children's unique voices shines
through as she shares and reflects on the children's stories, paying
each of them the same respect as would normally be bestowed on adult
writers. Exploring the importance of story in children's lives, the
- Examines the cognitive and developmental impact of implementing a
Helicopter Stories approach over an extended time period
- Analyses the stories told by children using the story structure of the
Hero's Journey, and the seven basic plot types
- Explores how and why stories connect with us including children's
innate ability to empathise with the hero from a very young age
- Includes rich case studies of children at different ages and
developmental stages including those with additional needs
Offering a fascinating insight into how Helicopter Stories work in
practice and addressing the frequently asked questions about the
benefits of using this approach, The Growth of a Storyteller is
valuable reading for anyone interested in storytelling and story acting
with their children.