Quick, daily classroom lessons for improving students' grammar and
writing skills
This must-have resource features 180 practical, ready-to-use grammar and
usage lessons and activities-one for each day of the school year. The
activities included help students in grades 5-12 to acquire, improve,
and expand their grammar skills, and become more adept and confident
writers. Veteran educator and best-selling author Jack Umstatter helps
teachers to familiarize students with the type of grammar-related
content found on standardized local, state, national, and college
admissions tests.
- Includes ready-to-use, yet comprehensive and authoritative activities
for use as sponge activities, extra homework, or regular daily lessons
- Reproducible lessons are designed to be non-intimidating and clear for
- Other titles by Umstatter include Grammar Grabbers!, 201
Ready-to-Use Word Games for the English Classroom, Brain Games!,
and Got Grammar?
Tips for educators on how to best utilize each specific topic or lesson
are included for easy classroom instruction.