At the intersection of the warmth of hearth and home and the dangers of
the street lies the tenuous position of women engaged in reproductive
labour, those involved in the sex trade and those in domestic positions.
These are women who are vulnerable, exploited, and whose dirty work
allows for the reproduction of traditional social mores and roles. Yet
while they are used to sustain tradition, dialectically they reflect the
hyperconnections of globalization through the migration of women, the
development of placement 'agencies' that often are little but fronts for
transnational crime; and the transfer of money from the developed
countries to the oppressed world. This book focuses on the interaction
of the global and the local through a close investigation of the
political economy of desire and reproduction in three states that blur
the line between developed and developing: Greece; Turkey; and Cyprus.
These are countries at the crossroads, in flux, whose peripheral siting
at the centre of global capitalism provides unusual insight into the
dark recesses of patriarchy, paternalism and exploitation.