The book begins by introducing the reader to a fantastic possibility -
that humanity may be on the verge of a major shift in consciousness
rooted in a new understanding of how our DNA operates - namely that it
is programmed directly by the way we think and feel. This is a highly
ambitious and sophisticated system for shaping one's destiny. Based
around 64 archetypes, it resembles the I Ching in its vast scope and
profound importance, and in the resonant character of its symbolism. The
author shows how there are two ways to approach the Gene Keys - the
analogue (holistic) way and the digital (detailed) way. It is the
combining of both analogue and digital that results in contemplation -
the primary pathway into the Gene Keys. Since our beliefs shape our
genes, when we change our beliefs, we change the chemistry of our body.
The Gene Keys are an inner language whose central purpose is to
transform our core beliefs about ourselves, thus raising our lives onto
a new level of awareness. The book works alongside state-of-the-art
online profiling software.
This software will provide instantaneous free profiles known as
'Hologenetic Profiles', which uses astrological data (time, date and
place of birth) to generate a unique sequence of Gene Keys that relate
to many aspects of your life, including the underlying genetic patterns
governing your relationships, your finances, your health and your life
purpose. As the reader contemplates the 64 Gene Keys over time and
applies their insights in his or her own life, so one's belief system
will begin to change and our DNA will actually start to transform the
way we think and feel.